Arm Training Mistakes


Bigger arms are often taken as a symbol of strength. Bigger arms are a part of a good physique too. Everyone wants bigger arms. But in this whole process of getting bigger arms, there are few mistakes that mostly beginners and intermediate makes. Let’s have a look at them.


1. Bad form

We usually see others lifting heavy with a bad form and we get influenced by the same mistake. We try to lift heavy weights without thinking about good form. But, since arms are made up of small muscle groups, we need to focus on training this part in proper form without using any momentum or swinging our body.

Doing an exercise with good form is just a base. The more advance you get, the more you get carried over. So, make sure that you establish a good form from the very beginning and train all the exercises in the right way.


2. Always going heavy

We have heard that we need to train heavy to get stronger and to grow our muscles which is right. But there is a certain limitation for this which is proper form and technique.

When it comes to arms, training heavy is not always necessary. You can give your training different variety of repetition range. Research has shown that biceps and triceps respond to slightly higher repetition. So, 12-15 and 15-20 are the repetition range you should try to aim for 70-80% of your training.


3. Not having variety

Make sure you are giving variation to your exercise. Now, here variation means not barbell curls and dumbbell curls. Those are same exercises with just the difference being holding a barbell and dumbbell. For example, if you are trying to overload, then barbell or dumbbell curl can be options. Similarly, inclined curls can be option for stretching the biceps. For isolated exercises, it can be preacher curl or spider curl.

Same goes with triceps. You can do a pushdown variation, an overhead variation and an isolation movement. These variation helps your muscles to train from different angles and you will have a greater result.


4. Low frequency

Majority of people incorporate separate day for their arms. So, maybe you train arms on Wednesday with 4-5 exercises each. Since our muscles recover in 48-72 hours, training arms just for one day in a week is not beneficial. So, you can try training them two times a week with half the amount of sets.

Make sure you are training your arms frequently. It is better to train arms 2-3 times a week with 2-3 exercises in one session with proper form, intensity and different variation.


5. Not prioritization

If arms are your weak body part, then it is important to give them more priority. That means try to start your exercises with weak body part first. Apart from this, you can have a separate day for just the arms.


So, these are some common mistakes that people do. Make sure you don’t do them. Once, you start incorporating these in your exercises, you will definitely see results.