Cheat Meals and how to incorporate them?


When it comes to fitness, we workout and eat proper meals. As I told you earlier, diet is the most crucial part in fitness or bodybuilding. We make sure that we have a proper balanced diet according to our goals. And, one of the main challenges for following diet is our love for food. We love to eat different kinds of food. I am a huge foodie. But, when I’m dieting, I eat some strict nutritious low-calorie food.

So, let’s talk about cheat meals today. I’ll give you some guidelines about cheat meals and how to incorporate them into your diet even when you are trying to lose fat.

Cheat meals are that kind of food which are not allowed in your fat loss diet. It is recommended to follow strict diet when we are trying to lose fat but practically, it is not possible to stay on a diet for long time without cheat meals.

We cannot eat cheat meals every day. We need to be disciplined in terms of diet and make cheat meals as our reward. Let’s say if I am following my diet very strictly for 6 days a week, then I can reward myself for cheat meal if I am really satisfied with my diet so that I can be motivated in further days.

First of all, it’s cheat meal and not cheat day. Most people term it as cheat day and eat whatever they like for the whole day. It is wrong. You need to pick just one particular food item that you are craving and the meal frequency is dependent on your body condition. The more fat you have, the less frequently your cheat meals will be. So, may be if you have more fat in your body then, you can have cheat meal once a week. Similarly, if you’re decently lean, then maybe you can have cheat meal twice a week.

So, make sure that you are doing a cheat meal not a cheat day. The other thing is, if I want to have a cheat meal in my dinner, then I should be focused on low calorie food from the morning leading up to my dinner. Maybe it can be protein shakes or salads or chicken or egg whites which are low calorie food but high in protein.

Make sure to drink enough water so that you are not hungry all the time and you are fully hydrated. Cheat meals are very important. It helps a lot in our psychology and acts as a break from our diet.